An ode to apple compote


In the future, I hope to have a garden. I want to grow my own food, the ultimate in sustainability. At the moment, we live in a small flat with no private garden. There’s a communal space and I’m very grateful for it, but it’s accessible through 3 locked doors or down an external path and a locked gate. It makes sense, to keep it secure, but it’s not the easiest to use. I planted some rosemary once and the young folks who work for the gardening service employed by my building, promptly dug it up again. I suspect they thought it was a weed. I yearn to be able to step straight from my house into some kind of private greenery, somewhere I can grow veggies and feed the birds.

Two bee hives seen through pink apple blossom

For now, I help my Gran with her garden. She has had a lovely garden for over 30 years and every year we harvest apples from her enormous cooking apple tree. I always make apple compote with my portion of the bounty, slowly stewing the chopped apples with brown sugar and cinnamon, over many hours in a slow cooker. I love it with porridge especially, a sprinkling of chopped nuts, pumpkin seeds and maple syrup. I freeze it in batches and for a few months between November and February, the freezer drawers are groaning with compote-filled tupperware.

A white hand holds a blue bowl with porridge, apple compote and berries

It feels unseasonable to write about apple compote in February, a full 8 months before it’ll return to my kitchen. It’s appropriate today though, because I just finished my last container, on this morning’s porridge. This Ode to Apple Compote will have to keep me going until the next batch arrives, in late October.

sustainability, veganAmy Dyce