I was on a podcast!

Amy smiles at the camera with a backpack over her shoulder. The overlying text states 'check your thread' and 'life, sewing and sustainability with Amy Dyce'

Are you interested in hearing the origin story of Craft & Thrift? Well, head on over to episodes 5 and 6 of the Check Your Thread podcast and you can hear all about it!

Zoe Edwards (of Me Made May fame) very kindly asked me onto her new podcast to chat all things sustainability and sewing. Her new podcast is all about sewing more sustainably, so it was a natural fit between her new project and my little biz. She was a very friendly and approachable interviewer, it really felt like chatting with a friend. The experience was very smooth, once I’d got into my groove (and out of my own head!). Listening back was pretty cringe to be honest, but once I’d let go of my embarrassment and listened objectively, I think I was a fun and entertaining listen! Although it really made me realise how many vocal tics I have and how quickly I speak. I’ll need to work hard to slow down my speech if I’m ever interviewed again, I can imagine people with hearing difficulties might struggle to understand me in places.

Amy smiles and looks up and away from the camera. The overlying text states 'check your thread' and 'episode 5: craft and thrift with Amy Dyce'

We talked all about the origin of Craft & Thrift, including the entire shipping container of vintage 1990s jersey samples I bought 2 years ago and am still selling today! Zoe asked me my thoughts on accessibility in the sewing world and I talk about how the crafting community is my main political and cultural touchstone, especially with regards social justice issues.

I would love it if you could pop over and have a listen, be sure to let me know your thoughts! And if you can spare a few pennies, consider signing up to Zoe’s Patreon. This is currently an amazing free resource she is offering the sewing community and the support of people on Patreon will help keep it open to everyone.