The SewDIY quilted slippers


It’s no secret I’m a fan of SewDIY Patterns. I even built a kit around the Lou box top, back when Craft & Thrift was still a shop. For a while there, the Lou box top was a real tried ‘n’ true (TNT) for me, though I’ve since moved into my boxy tee era. When I saw the quilted slipper pattern, I thought it would be an excellent one for both gifts and remnants. I’m always looking for a way to use up scraps and remnants and what better way to sew sustainably, than for your loved ones? Well, the selected few who appreciate a handmade gift at least.

The first pair I made were for me, the bootie-design in a burgundy wool, edged with vintage fur. You can read about them over here, along with my thoughts about sewing with vintage fur.

A pair of quilted slippers, with a two tone star and shearling lining
A pair of quilted slippers with remnant leather hanging tabs and soles

This pair are now my official ‘travel’ slippers, for when I’m over at a friends for dinner (weird to bring my own slippers?) or staying at my in-laws. The star design is a free hack Beth kindly has written up on her blog. It’s another satisfying use of remnants, you need a very small quantity of the star fabric, so it’s a great opportunity to use something special or sentimental. I used green linen and burgundy silk, interfaced to make it a similar weight to the white and green. This version is for me, I used an old wool dog blanket for the batting (thoroughly washed!) and a secondhand shearling coat I bought for £2 from Vinted and took to pieces for the fabric. The leather hanging tabs and soles are from a book of interior designer leather samples.

A white hand holds a pair of blue denim slippers, lined with blue gingham cotton

This blue denim version were for my sister-in-law. She lives in Italy, so obviously has less use for wool-batting-insulated slippers. I thought a lighter pair, in denim and cotton, would be comfortable for warmer weather and take up less space in her bag if she wants to bring them with her when she travels back to the UK. In retrospect, I wish I’d added the quilting, I think they look a bit flat without those lines of sewing.

This last pair were a gift for my Mum last year for her birthday. She’s a person who feels the cold very easily, so I made a pair of slippers and knit a pair of socks to go with them. The fabric was from our old dining chairs, from when I was a teenager. Mum reupholstered them at some point and I cannot remember what fabric she used for the second version. I vividly remember this design though and I’m glad I saved the material for so long. A little nostalgia, saved in a pair of slippers.