Black Lives Matter


I know I've spoken about this already on Instagram but I wanted to take this opportunity to state it here for newsletter subscribers as well: Black Lives Matter.

I'm one of those privileged white people who have only recently started being aware of the systemic racism that exists in our society and I'm horrified and embarrassed and ashamed. I'm using that energy and momentum to teach myself about this issue and have been listening to podcasts (Today Explained and Today in Focus are my two faves so far), reading books (I'm currently working through the journalling prompts for Me and White Supremacy by Layla F Saad and my book club are reading Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo) and supporting Black businesses and charities supporting Black people (I made a donation to UK Black Lives Matter fund).

I started my business with the intention of being a force for good for the environmental movement but I see now that this ethos is inextricably linked to social justice for all the people of the Earth. I plan to continue to educate myself on intersectional environmentalism and how Craft & Thrift can broaden it's remit to incorporate this concept. I've already got some irons in the fire but want to wait until I have something concrete to share before writing about it.

In the meantime, know that I'm working hard to learn, unlearn, take action, support and amplify black voices and that this will be an ongoing part of my life and business.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
— Martin Luther King Jr.