Quilted needle case


After last week’s epic post, I wanted to follow up with something quick and easy. This project was an unexpected offshoot of my Helen’s Closet Wildwood vest, since I started by making a quilted sample. I wanted to be sure my sewing machine would manage the thick layers of denim, wool batting and shearling lining, which it did with aplomb.

After making this sample, I carried it around in my knitting bag for a few weeks. I couldn’t bring myself to recycle it, it felt pleasing in the hands. I would pick it up and stroke it, turn it forwards and backwards, fold it in half and gaze at it. After a while of mooning over it, a lightbulb suddenly went off and I realised folded in half, it would make a great needle case.

I bound the edges in denim bias binding, after initially experimenting with bias binding made from silk remnants. It was a pretty colour but not substantial enough for the main body fabric, so I quickly ripped that out and replaced it with denim all the way round.

After buying my Hulk green press from Trimming Shop, I wanted to experiment before applying it to my precious vest project. I added stud fastenings to this little needle case and the job was done. They are pleasingly chunky and satisfying to open and close. I can use this needle case for pins and needles when I’m travelling, knowing they’re closed and safe from snagging on my projects or sticking out through bags. All in all, this was a gratifying little project from scraps, that I know will be useful for many years to come.