Eco-friendly gift wrap


I know that some of you will be groaning and skipping this section and that's OK, I still love you. But for those of you who are starting to think about holiday shopping, you are my people. Read on Macduff.

This year I wanted to offer a sustainable, recyclable alternative to festive wrapping paper. If you're reading this newsletter, you probably already know about the environmental issues surrounding the holiday season, especially with regards wrapping paper (if this is news to you, here's a nice series of articles from the Guardian about the ecological impact of various parts of the Christmas holiday. They're a few years old now but every bit as valid. Sorry to shit on another part of 2020 for you).

The festive season can be a time of stress and overwhelm for many of us, myself included, and it's easy to reach for the B&M, £1 a roll, glittery explosion of ecological demise when you're pushed for time. If we're strictly adhering to the reduce, reuse, recycle triangle, we should ideally not be buying presents or wrapping them at all, but assuming you have loved ones in your life and want to give them a gift this year, consider some deadstock, vintage or thrifted fabric and for an extra few quid add on an environmentally friendly gift box.

I'm still finalising the design of my wrapping so watch this space (that adorable bear-wearing-a-sweater tag is definitely going to feature, they're from Katie Green Bean on Etsy), there's some serious festive experimentation going on in the Hobbity Hole just now.

sustainabilityAmy Dyce