#make3in3 plans for autumn


I recently posted on Instagram about my #make3in3 plans for autumn. For those of you new to the newsletter, #make3in3 is my hashtag on Instagram for planning your makes. You pick 3 projects to work on over the next 3 months and at the end of that time you review your progress and make a fresh set of plans for the new quarter. I find it a useful way to whittle down my enormous sewing 'to do' list, which can sometimes feel quite overwhelming. This is supposed to be fun after all!

My official #make3in3 projects are:

  1. The Raspberry Rucksack by Sarah Kirsten. I'm halfway through my second version of this but despite loving the fabric (and making this one for me!) I appear to have stalled. Sometimes you need an easy win, y'know? This one is a bit fiddly with multiple steps so has been on pause for about 6 weeks now. To remedy this, I've set aside some time for sewing in the next week and I've found an amazing Audible podcast for company, 'The Grown Up Guide to Dinosaurs'! If that won't help then nothing will...

  2. The Deer & Doe Melilot shirt. This one is SO CLOSE to being finished but the collar is wonky and I'm not sure why, which is stopping me from moving forward. I chatted about this on Instagram recently and it struck a chord with so many of you, I think we've all been in the position of being stuck in our creative practice at one point or other. I need to rip it off and try again, or throw a hufty and finish it with a grandad collar. Only time will tell which ends up happening, I'll report back on Instagram.

  3. The Wiksten coat. I've made this once before and it came together so easily but was sadly too big for me. It's gone to live with my Gran though and looks very stylish on her so I'm excited to make another for me. This is my palate cleanser before I attempt either of the above projects. It's going to be made with deadstock from the shop - this lovely green wool and lined with gold fabric.

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