October sewing project: the Fennel Fanny pack


I like to save a sewing project every month for you folks, so that if you're following along on Instagram as well, you're not getting duplicate content (thanks to all of you following in both places, it's so appreciated!) You might have seen me tease this project on the grid, it's the Fennel Fanny pack by Sarah Kirsten.

I've already made the Raspberry Rucksack by the same designer (once for my Gran and an in-the-process project for me) AND I chatted about my experience with the rucksack over on IGTV as well, so it's fair to say that I enjoy a good Sarah Kirsten and the Fennel was no exception.

It looks a lot more complicated than it is, you just take a deep breath and follow the steps in order. No individual step is too complex, but it's easy to become overwhelmed when you look at the length of the pattern instructions!
I made this pack for work, using brass metal zips and D rings that I had in my stash (I find eBay to be a good place to source these hardware pieces, especially if you prefer second hand or vintage) plus a faux-leather bag strap that I bought years ago for another project. I shortened the strap slightly, since it was designed to go over the shoulder, rather than round the waist, but my very basic sewing machine managed this easily, with a jeans needle and a slow speed. The lining is gingham cotton and the outer is waxed cotton, both from the stash, both from market stalls years ago. The pattern only has 4 pieces and they're all basically rectangles, making this a very satisfying and stash-busting sew. It would also be a great Christmas present idea!

I made this for work, which for those who don't know, I'm a vet 'in real life' and I started a new job over the summer working out of hours, in essentially animal A&E. This means I now need to carry a ridiculous amount of shiz round with me as I move around the hospital: mobile, on-call phone, pens, highlighter, scissors, lip balm (essential) and snacks (also essential). My scrub pockets just weren't cutting it, every time I bent down, the poor in-patient dog would be treated to a hail of pens, oat bars and Palmers lip balm. Plus the on-call phone will split into 3 pieces when dropped on hard surfaces...I'm told...

Enter this fanny pack. Even though the name makes the 8yr old in me chuckle every time, it's been amazing to be able to carry my possessions around safely, and I think it looks pretty stylish. 14yr old Amy would have been mortified at the thought of wearing a bum bag but 34yr old Amy is all about comfort and practicality (and the close proximity of snacks).

sewingAmy Dyce